Nossos Valores

No Colégio Sagrada Família, promovemos valores cristãos e virtudes.

A traditional church building with a tall steeple against a clear blue sky, featuring a brick facade and white columns. The words 'CHURCH OF CHRIST' are prominently displayed above the entrance.
A traditional church building with a tall steeple against a clear blue sky, featuring a brick facade and white columns. The words 'CHURCH OF CHRIST' are prominently displayed above the entrance.
Educação Cristã

Oferecemos uma educação que integra valores cristãos na formação integral do aluno, preparando-o para ser um cidadão ético e responsável na sociedade.

An open Bible displayed on a wooden table with a crucifix placed across its pages. The pages seem to be from the Gospel of John, and the setting suggests a serene and contemplative atmosphere.
An open Bible displayed on a wooden table with a crucifix placed across its pages. The pages seem to be from the Gospel of John, and the setting suggests a serene and contemplative atmosphere.
Virtudes Essenciais

Ensinamos virtudes como amor, respeito e solidariedade, fundamentais para o desenvolvimento pessoal e social dos nossos alunos, formando líderes conscientes e comprometidos com o bem-estar coletivo.

Valores Cristãos

Depoimentos sobre a educação e virtudes do Colégio Sagrada Família.

O Colégio Sagrada Família é um lugar onde valores cristãos são vividos diariamente.

Maria Silva
An open Bible with highlighted text in the book of John. Yellow tiles with blue letters are arranged in the shape of a cross spelling 'the good news.' The background is a soft blue sky pattern.
An open Bible with highlighted text in the book of John. Yellow tiles with blue letters are arranged in the shape of a cross spelling 'the good news.' The background is a soft blue sky pattern.

São Paulo

A educação no Colégio Sagrada Família é excepcional, focando em valores que formam cidadãos íntegros e éticos, sempre com amor e respeito ao próximo.

An open book resting on a textured fabric surface, featuring text from a religious passage with a prominent title 'TITUS 2:8'. The page is slightly creased and the lighting is soft, casting gentle shadows.
An open book resting on a textured fabric surface, featuring text from a religious passage with a prominent title 'TITUS 2:8'. The page is slightly creased and the lighting is soft, casting gentle shadows.
João Pereira

Rio Claro
